I have heard so many people tell me about the power of the 54 day Fatima novena, that I had to recommend it. Especially with the movie "the 13th day" coming out. The movie is about the story of Fatima. I have heard people find their spouse, have a child, find a job, receive an interior grace from God. All we have to do is ask. Our Lady's power before God is really easy to explain. Jesus was the perfect man, so he lived the 10 commandments perfectly, the 4th commandment is "Honor thy Father and thy Mother,". We can bring anything to Mary and she will bring it to Jesus, were His love for her, almost ties His hands, and He will give her anything she asks.
Next Monday is November 2nd. If you start the 54 day Novena next week, it will end on Christmas day. The novena is very simply, say 1 Rosary every day with your intention, here is a good link on printing how to say the Rosary http://www.ewtn.com/DEVOTIONALS/prayers/rosary/how_to.htm
The first 27 days are said in a spirit of reparation, the 2nd 27 days are said in a spirit of Thanksgiving. A friend told me, that when he made this 54 day novena, he realized immediately that he didn't care if he got the intention or not, because through the practise of reciting the Rosary, he was growing so much closer to God. The rosary is powerful on many levels, in fact, one of the most consoling promises of Fatima, is that Our Lady told the children, that no problem can not be overcome with the Rosary. The drug rehab that I mention a lot www.hopereborn.org is great proof of this. For major drugs like herion, the recovery rate after addiction is barely 2%, within this community its 90%. They pray the Rosary 3 times a day in this community. Last week the community was given full pontifical status by the Church, and one of the men, who was a former herion addict made the point, that as a Cardinal in the Church was saying mass for the community, he looked around and he saw over 400 ex drug addicts kneeling down receiving a blessing, and he couldn't help but remember Jesus words. "Tax collectors, prostitutes, and sinners will fly into the Kingdom of Heaven," All we have to do is ask!