I heard a great homily on Friday morning from Father Shaun Mahoney, the chaplain at Temple University's Newmann center. He related a story that his father always told from a physicist teacher of his 70 years ago. The teacher would start the year by placing a cup of water at the front of his class, and state with great enthusiasm, "there is enough energy in that cup of water to drive the largest ship in the world from Europe and back,". It was right at the time that America was fascinated by the power of atoms.
Father Shaun pointed to the tabernacle, and stated, "there is enough power in that tabernacle to do anything", The power of God is real, and He is present in the tabernacle. For us to visit at anytime during the day. Mother Teresa would often speak of the desperate lack of love in the world. The Eucharist is the great answer to this need. Jesus accepts us, and brings us into his heart. In my mind its no accident, that as the Eucharist was being given on Holy Thursday night, the gospel gives us the image of St. John laying his head on the chest of Jesus, and listening to his heart. That is what we are called to when we sit in front of the tabernacle, to place our head on the chest of Jesus, and listen to His great heart.
In the world there are certain problems that sadly can not be overcome, but with the Eucharist there is no problem that can not be solved, or at least be carried through. I have seen it. That is the great invitation this week, to listen to the heart of Christ.