When we are faced with the challenges of life, and for a lot of people, (me), the toughest part of life is how we see ourselves. We try and make efforts, but it seems so hard to make advancement on the road of virtue, the road to become the best version of ourselves. Faced with this, there's a few options, 1.) we can just shun the world, and believe that love and joy are not possible for me, 2.) Become cynical and depressed about life, and because misery loves company, bring everyone down around me; 3.) Or, we can walk as a child of God, and walk in that joy that most know as a child. The Joy of living in the Present moment, not worrying about the past or the future. The joy of wonder, letting God surprise us everyday with the miracle of Life. I just read that at the Comcast Center in Philadelphia, there is a 50 Foot television screen, its actually an amazing site, there is, at all hours of the day at least 100 people just staring at the television screen. It is amazing what they did there, but I couldn't help thinking that God must be saying to Himself, if they want to be wowed, just open your eyes to the Wonder and Joy that He is spilling into the world in the smallest and biggest detail of creation. Joy in my eyes is simply active trust, and active Faith in what we believe about God. If He is Good and Loving and Holy, then every moment should be lived in Joy and Trust. If He is cruel, hard, and mean, then our life should be full of fear and doubt, but that is not the God of Jesus Christ, if you have any doubts read slowly the parable of the Good Samaritan, and the Prodigal son. If we profess with our minds and hearts that Jesus is Lord, and that God is Good, in faith let us walk in Joy! Because it will build us up and those around us!
Hi Tone. I thought this was great, I didn't know you were such a great writer.
I agree, little things, it's the little things that bring joy and uplift our hearts. Like for example, this morning we had a great individual with our guards and they worked so hard, that made me so happy to be a part of their day in just shooting hoops and getting better. Even more joyful, though, was talking to Mare and hearing all about Joe man's first day in the first grade and Clare's Kindergarten start ha, I love it!
Talk to you soon, Great write up here:)
Love you all,
I like the new name of the blog. It is a good reminder that our Faith is Joyful, and Joy is a gift of the Holy Spirit. A little prayer I came across today, Lord, may our hearts reflect the JOY of Your Goodness and Mercy.
Hi Tony, Sorry to hear about the loss, but that's what they call a "felix culpa" - a happy accident! I love the name, look and tone of the new blog. Is that Bavaria in the picture? Thanks for bringing your joyFULL and wonderFULL words to the blogosphere!
Peace and Good,
PS - I try and routinely save my posts into a word file just in case something does happen. You could do it on a monthly basis or even weekly; just a thought.
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