Monday, November 17, 2008

Wild at Heart

I was so proud of my son Joseph on Saturday morning, I took him for some indoor rock climbing, and the story is pretty funny. The place was packed, because it was raining, and Josephs climb lasted about 15 minutes, which is an eternity. He was determined to make it to the top, but had to stop, regain his footing, strategize before moving on, so after a while people just start watching him climb, and a crowd was starting to form. He told me later, that he was tempted to quit. But he wouldn't stop, and finally he makes it to the top, and hits the buzzer, and the Rocky song starts playing, and the whole place starts clapping, it was an amazing Father/Son moment, because I could see in his face how proud he was that he didn't quit.
That wall is a lot like the economy right now, we may have to re-group, catch our breadth, and re-strategize, but we have to choose to "die climbing" (That was a quote in an indoor mountain climbing gym). We can't quit. We should climb with perseverance, knowing that "this too shall pass", we will find greener pastures on this icy mountain. Plus, this is the key for this blog, we need to be cheerful while we climb, knowing that our Father in heaven sees us on that mountain, sees how hard we are trying, and He will never let us fall. You can see my hand in the first picture above, I am an imperfect father, but as a father, I loved watching my son climb, and I would never let him fall! The perfect Father in heaven, knows every hair on our head, so we can with abandonment, with daring, and with joy in our hearts climb towards that loving Father!

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