GK Chesterton wrote that what makes children so great, "is that they are serious, and that they are always happy," What could be more serious that believing in Santa Claus, talk about a serious and daring venture, to give gifts to children throughout the world in one night, now that's serious! But its so important to learn from that, because we need hearts that are that big, because what we believe as Catholics is actually larger. Children put the world on trial, they stand in utter amazement at every star, every blue sky, every storm, because its the first time they have ever seen it. Everything is seen with wonder, they actually really do live in a constant state of wonder. Everything is made new! Because for them it really is new.
That's the thing about Christmas for me, it always seems like a moment of new beginnings, its positioned at the perfect time of the year, the light begins to get longer, if you look for it, you can actually see the increase in light everyday. Therefore, the perfect way to celebrate Christmas is not gifts and music, its really confession. Going to a priest and in a spirit of humility, stating, "I have done these things, but this is not me," and begin again with the heart of a child.
There is so much to learn from children, but the biggest thing for me, is how naturally joy comes to them. I think it all starts with humility and trust. The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem has a door that is intentionally too small, so that visitors must bend down and lower themselves to enter. What a great reminder, in our prayer we should go to the cave in Bethlehem, and be reminded of the two things that lead to happiness, humility and simplicity. All the things that pull us away from these two pillars must be rooted out, and there's no better time to do it than Christmas!
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