Anyone that reads this blog knows that I love the Comunita Cenacolo (http://www.hopereborn.org/), its a community for recovering persons, whether serious drugs, pornography addictions, eating disorders, depression,etc, etc. They cover all the serious problems that the world throws at us, and they do it in a simple fashion, with the Eucharist, Community, the Rosary, and work. Sister Lucia of Fatima has said that, "there is not a problem that can not be overcome with the rosary,". This should give us so much confidence, and Comunita Cenacolo proves this everyday. The Rosary that I pray with was made by a man in this community who is recovering from a heroin addiction, the Cross on the rosary is handmade by him, and every time I start my rosary I grab that cross and remember how powerful the rosary is.
The point I am making is that not everyone needs a School of Life like Community Cenacolo for heroin addictions, or eating disorders, but we all have our blindness, we all have our weakness, we all have our sins, and the 4 things I mentioned above can help us with these things. God is that powerful.
There's a great story about a drug addict, whose life was transformed in community, three years go by, and its discovered that he has advanced stage lung cancer. He gets brought into the hospital for a full body check, and as he is lieing in his bed in the hospital, the doctor comes in and says, "son, I know what's wrong with your lungs, but you have to tell me, what's wrong with your knee's," The man said, "thankfully for the first time in my life, I have learned to pray, and spent the last 3 years on my knee's,"
Advent is the perfect time to fall in love with the Rosary, because our Lady will lead us to meet Jesus.
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