Simplicity, Silence, and Prayer. Those are my three main words for this years lent. I have always had a secret dislike for Lent since I began practicing my faith more seriously in College. But as a kid I actually enjoyed it, giving up something that I enjoyed was fun. Or going to daily mass through out the week, it was fun. I thought about that concept when I was trying to decide what to do for lent this year. That so much of life is how we see things. My kids hear about a huge blizzard and get excited, I hear about a huge blizzard, and picture myself shoveling for 5 days. My kids hear that Lent is coming on Wednesday, and its new and exciting. God created the world in such a way, that we should view it with excitement. Lent should be no different, its placed in this time of year for a reason, and we can either embrace it, or we can grieve it. We can either embrace the fasts or we can grieve our way through it.
My resolution this lent is to embrace the opportunity. To use this lent for an increase in Silence, in prayer, in simplifying my life. Not as an end in itself, but as a way to grow closer to God, and His will for me. In His will is my peace.
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