Monday, July 12, 2010

“Saving nature’s unborn from Gulf oil disaster,”

The above was a headline from CNN this morning, and I really felt I needed to blog on this, because it moved me in two ways. First, how sad I am for the people and the animals in the gulf, I try to remember them ever day in my prayers, because in times like these its important to remember that God can work a miracle there, so we need to ask Him for one. But second, I tried to think of an instance where our journalist would use the same language for an unborn baby.

The Pro abortion movement has been able to steal language from the Pro-life movement with words like Choice, freedom. When in reality abortion has nothing to do with Choice and Freedom, because only one of the people involved is exercising and choice or freedom. My brother in law made a great point to me last weekend, that abortion as legal, should not even be a discussion, children deserve protection under the law, even from their parents, this is true from the moment they breath their first breath and it should be true from conception to natural death. The state and the individual don't have the right to take a life.

Whenever I mention abortion on this blog, I always feel moved for the women who have had an abortion, because they have been lied to more than anyone by the world. But the good news for them is confession, no priest will judge you, and the healing grace of Christ will heal the wound. I love this quote from my favorite boxer George Foreman, "Forgiveness is the thread that holds the whole world together," Its the thing we all need the most in the world, for ourselves and others.

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