Every October 15th I have a tradition that I've passed on to my kids to watch the movie Hoosiers. October 15th is the official start of the college basketball season, and I've been doing this since my freshman year of high school. I used to just love the basketball element of the movie, which is terrific. The story of an incredible underdog that goes on to win the Indiana State championship. Recently, the other elements of the movie have really grabbed me, and there's two major theme's that run through the movie, which are huge!
1.) Forgiveness and a Second Chance- The movie chronicles a successful college basketball coach Norman Dale, who actually won a Division 1 national championship, but during a game was so angry with a player, that he hit him closed fist to the jaw. He was fired and banned from ever coaching college basketball again. He is given a second chance by a Christian head master in Indiana, at a small farm school. His conversion could have stopped there, but he continues the blessing by giving everyone that he comes into contact a second chance. The disrespectful players, the teachers and parents who can't stand him, and most dramatically, the second chance of Scooter, played unbelievably by Dennis Hopper (Everytime I watch it, I always say to my wife, this guy is an acting genius). I have said many times on this blog the quote from George Foreman, "Foregiveness is the thin line that holds the world together," There are so many blessings that God is ready to pour out if we foregive.
2.) Focus on the Bigger Picture- A couple weeks back I quoted the Orthodox monk from the Vanity Fair Article, "The smart man accepts, the idiot insists,", or said much better by Jesus, "Focus on the Kingdom of God, and all things will be added besides,". Norman Dale was given a second chance, and the rest of the time he simply focuses in on doing the next right thing. If we do the next right thing, God will take care of the big picture. Its difficult when we want to win in the short-term by sacrificing our morals, but this is where Faith and Trust come in, the times we want to push back, we have to give it over to God and Trust.
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