My wife and I watched an incredible movie on Saturday night, its almost a guarantee if Hollywood misses a movie, and says its not that great, then you know its a can't miss. The only disclaimer, the first scene is not appropriate for young, impressionable viewers, because it clearly glorifies a one night stand between two very beautiful people. Although, when I brought this up with my wife, she made a great point, she didn't feel the movie glorified it at all, because the main character loses her child for 11 years, and loses what could have been true love for 11 years, that's not glorifying anything. It makes the point though, that sex is Good and powerful. The analogy is of a fire, when a fire is lit in a fireplace, it has the power to warm an entire house. But when the exact same fire is lit in a forest, it has the power to destroy. When the fire of sex happens in marriage, it has the power to hold two people together for a lifetime, and give warmth. But outside of marriage, it has the power to destroy.
But back to the movie, because our lives don't always go according to plan, and we all fall, that's why we need a savior, and God can bring incalculable good out of the worst situation. The child in the movie, is a music prodigy, he is a child that in most instances would have been headed for an abortion. I think its important to realize how many musicians, how many scientists, how many great moms, etc., did not see their first breath because of abortion. Some in the pro-life community don't like making this point, because they will say "what about the babies with disabilities, with handicaps, that will never cure a disease, will never compose a symphony, never lead the Eagles to the Super Bowl (That's what the Pro-life community says in Philadelphia) these children with disabilities also deserve to live, so to highlight all the greatness that we missed out on through abortion, misses the point all together, that life is always valuable," I agree with all of that, but there are gifts that God freely gives that make life better for everyone, and its fair to say, and in my opinion important to say, that because of legal abortion, we are missing the gifts that a life can bring us. But again, God can bring incredible good out of anything, and our culture has really been most unfair to women who have decided to have an abortion, so for anyone who may read this, who has been involved in an abortion, there's hope and peace for you as well. One of my closest friends, was involved in 3 abortions before his conversion, and since has spent his life doing and living what St. Paul said, "charity covers a multitude of sins,",and I know has found great peace in the mercy of Christ.
Lastly, the movie highlights something dear to my heart, the power of music. There is a mystery in music that fascinates me. It has the power to literally heal us (think of all the times that music has brought joy to your life), and the power to harm us (think of the power that heavy metal music holds on people). Its amazing that Gods gifts are often this way. But truth be told, we wouldn't want it to be any different, because if we took the risk out of life, the risk out of God's gifts, we would lose the power and the mystery when we use God's gifts the right way. That's why prayer is so important, that we give our heart to Jesus, and allow Him to transform it, and allow Him to show us how to use His incredible Goods for truth, and beauty.
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