This is a point that doesn't get made enough in explaining the life of chastity for men. Because Chastity does not stop at marriage, Chastity is a life long virtue. Plus, the beauty of being human, that we choose our identity, if we did not live our calling to protect women in the past, we can begin anew today. I really believe that pornography would go out of business if men looked at their identity in this way, as someone who protects. Because it would become very difficult after a while for men to continue lusting after women in a magazine or on the Internet if they saw their role in life as someone who was put here to protect that women.
It is so liberating to see yourself in this light, as someone who protects, because every time we do, we are affirming who we are as men. While every time we act against our nature and play the role of predator and not protector, we weaken ourselves, and weaken our joy!
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