Monday, July 20, 2009

The Victory of Love

Today was the funeral for Mary Coppa Coffey, and it was so sad to watch our friends suffer this loss. But there was a lot of graces, Caridinal Rigili was the main celebrant, and as he said its a guarantee that she is in Heaven with God, her suffering was so disproportionate that we can almost ask God for anything through her intercession, and in some ways God can't refuse her. Its like a loving father that sees his child suffer, and then the child ask the father to help someone else, if the human father could, he would do it. God can do it, and anything that little Mary brings him, its my opinion that He will do it.

So Jim and Felicia want people to ask for big favors from God through Mary's intercession. They prayed for a miracle that she might live, and they know that their prayers will be answered in the countless miracles that will pour down because of Mary. Jim just received a note from a man, that returned to prayer for the first time in 20 years when he received an e-mail to pray for little Mary, and he hasn't stop praying since. I have already brought a major intercession to Mary, I know she's working on it for me! She could not speak on earth, she can now, can you imagine God denying her anything?

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