A couple weeks ago, I did a post on the unbelievable benefits of Natural Family Planning (I have since added a benefit), how important it is to have authentic spontaneity in marriage, its funny because this is usually the number 1 argument that people give me in favor of contraception, as a means to protect spontaneity. That's the great paradox though, when you don't have to live with any abstinence whatsoever, before long you don't appreciate the gift anymore. When I used to play basketball on Saturday mornings down the shore, there would always be a guy that would say, "one more game, I want to enjoy these beers tonight," Its funny because most people understand the need for abstinence and self discipline when it comes to enjoying food or beer, but they don't understand this when it comes to sex. Natural Family Planning is a very difficult, but sure way to appreciate the gift of sex.
But here's the point of the post, sex is an extremely important part of marriage, babies come from having sex, what if I can not have a baby. Many times when I discuss NFP with people, they will throw up their hands, and say, I agree, this sounds amazing, and I hate the pill! But I can not have another baby. These fears are real, and most times there born of love. These couples want to be a great parent to the kids they have, they want to provide for them, or there may be a health reason that a couple can no longer have children. These are all real concerns. We have a Good and Holy God, that does not play games with his children, He does not ask more from us than we can give. In fact, quite the opposite, He carries us. He has written into our bodies a way to enjoy the maritial embrace, and not have another child. Natural Family Planning really works. My wife and I made a decision almost 2 years ago, to wait on having another child. Trust me, if it works for us, it works! We get pregnant if we look at each other the wrong way. It works, but the couple (Together) has to make it work.
Usually the next question is, well if its so effective, then what's the difference? Both are striving for the same thing. This is true, they both work. One is 100% natural, one is the furthest thing from natural that a women can do to her body, its a scandal that more hasn't been made of the negative side effects of contraception. The example I always use is about dieting, there is a sure path to losing weight in a healthy way, its through exercise, and healthy eating, its not easy, but it works. To be honest, NFP is very difficult, but in the end, extremely rewarding. We need to trust God everyday to make it work, and there's a chance your spontaneity may get the best of you on a day you were supposed to abstain, and 8 years later your having a football catch with the fruit of that spontaneity in the backyard, lets be honest, for most people that's not that scary!
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