The one that I find the most edifying is the one about the ship at sea during a major storm. The ship is being rocked by the storms of life. Its clearly a reference to the Church, however we are all rocked at times by the storms of life. The dream offers 2 large lighthouses to guide us through these storms, 2 large pillars to build our life upon. The one is the Blessed Sacrament, both frequent mass, and also time spent in front of the blessed sacrament. The second is devotion to the Blessed Mother.
I have experienced this so many times in my life, never have I spent time with our lord in the blessed sacrament or prayed the rosary that I wasn't totally built up and strengthened. This should give us so much consolation in the struggles of life, God is here for us, and He is very close.
Today starts the 54 day Rosary Novena that ends on Christmas day, its a perfect opportunity to give our heart over to our Lady, she will lead us closer to Jesus.
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