I heard the following story over 2 years ago while on a retreat, and it has nourished my soul ever since. I don't have all the exact details, because I was half asleep while listening, every Catholic retreat house that I have ever been to, has beds for men that are 5 foot 7, I always wonder, were there any tall Catholics 70 years ago when they built these places. I have never had a good night sleep on a retreat, my legs hang over the bed, and there's always a bed coil sticking in my ribs all night, most times I just end up on the floor. So its a miracle that I actually heard this story, the Holy Spirit wanted me to hear what I heard though, and I hope it nourishes your soul as well.
"There was a successful real estate developer about 20 years ago in Mexico, who was kidnapped for Ransom by drug-dealers. The kidnappers locked him in a basement and completely stripped him of all his cloths. They had a radio that would play the same annoying song on repeat all day long. 3 times a day they would lower food and water in from an outside window. This went on for 2 months,and the man would just sit and stare at the wall, his hair and beard growing out of control, he would sit in total dirt and despair all day long. He was totally depressed and was hoping these men would just end his life. One morning, while the guards were lowering the food, he made a simple request, he asked them if tonight they could bring him a full glass of whiskey, and for some reason, out of the guards remaining charity in their hearts, they fulfilled his request. So he ate all his food, and kept the glass of whiskey for later, in order to have something special amid all this darkness. As he was about to slowly drink his whiskey, he made the sign of the cross and said a short prayer of thanksgiving for this small gift. It was then that he heard clear as day in his prayer the words, "pour it out, I will give you everything you need," The prisoner was totally taken aback, because the prompting was so real and so clear, so he pleaded with God, "Lord, here I am in total darkness, and now I have a simple consolation, which is not a sin, and you want me to pour it out," and again he heard clearly, "You will have everything you need, pour it out," So the man obeyed!
At that moment, everything changed for him, he left the way that he behaved for the first 2 months behind completely, and everything became useful to him, even the annoying song he would use as a tool. After the song played 10 times, he knew it was time for exercise, after 15 times, it was time for the Rosary, he built his whole day around prayer, exercise, work, and relaxation. He was a developer, so he would draw large complex buildings in the dirt on the basement floor, during his time for relaxation he would dream of vacations with his wife and family. Nothing changed about his circumstances, it was the same dark basement, the same annoying song, the same horrible food. But everything changed about him, his trust began to grow, as he would mediate on those words, "I will give you everything you need,", and he became obsessed with escaping. One night the guards failed to completely secure the window after lowering dinner, and he knew now was his chance to escape, he waited until after midnight, and climbed up the wall and poked his head out the window, right next to the window on the porch was a man with a machine gun, completely and totally asleep, again the words echoed in his head, "I will give you everything you need," so with the last strength that he had, he quietly snuck by the guard and ran for the highway near by, where he flagged down a truck-driver who delivered him to safety, the date of his escape was Dec. 12, the feast day of Our Lady of Guadalupe, the Patron of Mexico.
Here's what has stuck with me, we can't control many things in our life, but we can control our attitude. The same motto is true for us, God will give us everything we need, all we have to do is ask.!
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