Monday, December 29, 2008
The Great Gift of People with Down Syndrome

Friday, December 26, 2008
Amazing- Please Read

My wife and I were talking about what a gift we have in this Pope, read his homily below;
Saint Luke’s account of the Christmas story, which we have just heard in the Gospel, tells us that God first raised the veil of his hiddenness to people of very lowly status, people who were looked down upon by society at large – to shepherds looking after their flocks in the fields around Bethlehem. Luke tells us that they were “keeping watch”. This phrase reminds us of a central theme of Jesus’s message, which insistently bids us to keep watch, even to the Agony in the Garden – the command to stay awake, to recognize the Lord’s coming, and to be prepared. Here too the expression seems to imply more than simply being physically awake during the night hour. The shepherds were truly “watchful” people, with a lively sense of God and of his closeness. They were waiting for God, and were not resigned to his apparent remoteness from their everyday lives. To a watchful heart, the news of great joy can be proclaimed: for you this night the Saviour is born. Only a watchful heart is able to believe the message. Only a watchful heart can instil the courage to set out to find God in the form of a baby in a stable. Let us ask the Lord to help us, too, to become a “watchful” people.
Saint Luke tells us, moreover, that the shepherds themselves were “surrounded” by the glory of God, by the cloud of light. They found themselves caught up in the glory that shone around them. Enveloped by the holy cloud, they heard the angels’ song of praise: “Glory to God in the highest heavens and peace on earth to people of his good will”. And who are these people of his good will if not the poor, the watchful, the expectant, those who hope in God’s goodness and seek him, looking to him from afar?
The Fathers of the Church offer a remarkable commentary on the song that the angels sang to greet the Redeemer. Until that moment – the Fathers say – the angels had known God in the grandeur of the universe, in the reason and the beauty of the cosmos that come from him and are a reflection of him. They had heard, so to speak, creation’s silent song of praise and had transformed it into celestial music. But now something new had happened, something that astounded them. The One of whom the universe speaks, the God who sustains all things and bears them in his hands – he himself had entered into human history, he had become someone who acts and suffers within history. From the joyful amazement that this unimaginable event called forth, from God’s new and further way of making himself known – say the Fathers – a new song was born, one verse of which the Christmas Gospel has preserved for us: “Glory to God in the highest heavens and peace to his people on earth”. We might say that, following the structure of Hebrew poetry, the two halves of this double verse say essentially the same thing, but from a different perspective. God’s glory is in the highest heavens, but his high state is now found in the stable – what was lowly has now become sublime. God’s glory is on the earth, it is the glory of humility and love. And even more: the glory of God is peace. Wherever he is, there is peace. He is present wherever human beings do not attempt, apart from him, and even violently, to turn earth into heaven. He is with those of watchful hearts; with the humble and those who meet him at the level of his own “height”, the height of humility and love. To these people he gives his peace, so that through them, peace can enter this world.
The medieval theologian William of Saint Thierry once said that God – from the time of Adam – saw that his grandeur provoked resistance in man, that we felt limited in our own being and threatened in our freedom. Therefore God chose a new way. He became a child. He made himself dependent and weak, in need of our love. Now – this God who has become a child says to us – you can no longer fear me, you can only love me.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Childlike Faith and what makes Christmas Great!

Thursday, December 18, 2008
Bono and Pope Benedict on Christmas
“To many people, and in some way to all of us, this seems too beautiful to be true. In effect, here it is reaffirmed for us: Yes, there is meaning, and this meaning is not an impotent protest against the absurd. The Meaning is powerful: It is God. A good God, who is not to be confused with some lofty and distant power, to which it is impossible to ever arrive, but rather a God who has made himself close to us and to our neighbor, who has time for each one of us and who has come to stay with us.
Thus the question spontaneously arises: How is such a thing possible? Is it worthy of God to become a child? To try to open one’s heart to this truth that enlightens all of human existence, it is necessary to yield the mind and recognize the limits of our intelligence. In the cave at Bethlehem, God shows himself to us as a humble “infant” to overcome our pride. Perhaps we would have submitted more easily before power, before pride; but he does not want our submission. He appeals, rather, to our heart and to our free decision to accept his love. He has made himself little to free us from this human pretension of greatness that arises from pride; he has incarnated himself freely to make us truly free, free to love him.
Dear brothers and sisters, Christmas is a privileged opportunity to meditate on the meaning and value of our existence. Approaching this solemnity helps us to reflect, on one hand, about the drama of history in which men, wounded by sin, are permanently seeking happiness and a satisfactory meaning to life and death; on the other hand, it exhorts us to meditate on the merciful goodness of God, who has gone out to meet man to communicate to him directly the Truth that saves, and make him participate in his friendship and his life.” Pope Benedict
Monday, December 15, 2008
Its a Wonderful Life

If we could focus on one central truth of our faith, that we are children of God, beloved of the Father. Our whole perspective would change, we would view all parts of our life as part of His loving plan. Joy would flow naturally! It really starts with choosing Faith. Every time we are tempted to think, "I will never overcome this problem," We have to, in our thoughts and actions believe immediately, "God will work this out,", or add your own words of trust, "Today, with Gods help is going to work out great, " "This time its all going to work," Changing our attitude takes time, but slowly if we are faithful, our hearts and our minds can change!
Monday, December 8, 2008
To Whom Much is Given: Surviving the Massacre in Mumbai

Just then a very loud bomb detonated and small arms fire rang out in one of the stairwells. I assumed the end was near.
I hurried off an email to my Mom and Dad, thanking them for my life and everything else they’d given me. Then I emailed my dear wife and sons: “Thank you, Celeste, for being my best friend and soul-mate. I love you!” I wracked my mind and heart for a few pearls of wisdom to leave my three small boys that would edify and sustain them in a life without their father. Asking the Holy Spirit for guidance, I explained to them that life was a gift, and that they should do their best to enjoy that gift. I urged them to take care of their mother, each other, and their community — and not to be afraid to discern their vocations. I counseled them to keep a daily prayer life and live the norms of piety we’d taught them. “Live life to the fullest, boys, and stay in a state of grace.”
My heartache (and heart-rate) increased as the AK fire drew closer. I approached the headwaiter and quietly asked him if I might slip out the back stairs, as my corporate security indicated I should leave the building immediately. The man assured me that we were secure, but the look on his face betrayed his fear and uncertainty. He then huddled with his two busboys while I positioned myself by the back stairs.
A moment later, the busboys announced that they would begin allowing some folks to slip out. This instantly created a mad rush toward the stairs. Though I was positioned near the doorway, a lovely Indian-accented chorus arose, saying, “Women and children first!” Ah, but of course! I gulped and stepped aside.
The women and children began exiting in groups of eight. After about a minute, men began cutting the line. After some dozen men had cut in front of me, at a point when most of the women had gotten out, I joined the outflow and was able to escape.
I am obviously very lucky — and very blessed. I learned later from our corporate security, who were monitoring my emails, that the business center was attacked by gunmen some five minutes after I was able to escape. I also learned that my friend Eugene had been shot in the lobby, but thankfully will make a full recovery. (Eugene told me the next day that I’d sprinted right past the terrorist who leveled his gun and shot him in the hip. Fortunately he was dragged into a security room, from which point he was able to escape the hotel a few minutes later.)
Colleagues and friends have asked how I feel after experiencing such a trauma. I tell them I am fine — shaken but fine. At the end of the day, I am convinced that “bona omnia fecit” (all works for the good). I will forever be inspired by the staff of The Taj, who were polite, courteous and courageous throughout the ordeal. They saved hundreds of lives, many sacrificing their own in doing so.
Agnostic and atheist friends have told me that they’d be a wreck if such a thing had happened to them. But my feeling is that the Lord, for some reason, put His protective hands around me. I had little to do with my deliverance; He was and is in control, and that is fine with me.
What good can come out of this dreadful experience? Hopefully a more widespread recognition that the power of prayer and an unshakable faith in God’s loving plan can get us through anything. That is why I am offering this account to Catholic Exchange. I want others to pray and draw closer to Christ and His Mother, especially in these uncertain times.
Why God has allowed me to live on? I have no idea. But at this point, the thought that will not leave my mind is, “From him to whom much is given, much is expected.”
I pray that I can live up to His expectations.
Copyright 2008 Catholic Exchange"
Peter O’Malley is a managing director with Deutsche Bank. He currently lives with his family in Hong Kong.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Great Thought for Advent

"the Pope always talks about hope, and maybe that was his big grace. He taught us to hope when everything seems lost. I thought about that last December during my trial. I always had a secret dislike of advent, because it's such a crazy time of year, but I really enjoyed it this year, if you can imagine anyone enjoying a liturgical season while he's being sent to jail for something he didn't do, were not supposed to be like the ancient pagans who watched the coming winter with a terror stricken obsession, not supposed to, but funny how the deathly vapors seep into your heart without you knowing it, During Advent I learned to kick it out, I learned to gaze into the growing dark with Spring in my eyes. Impossible, yep, but Christians should always Keep an icon of the impossible in their hearts!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Favorite Movies and Books

Monday, November 17, 2008
Wild at Heart
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Joy in the Night

I was bummed last night that my guy John McCain lost, and I was more bummed that as a people, America elected the most radically pro-abortion President in history. However, I am not one to sulk, and I am moving on to try and change hearts and minds about the beauty of Life, even when its tough!
I was given a gift though last night at 3:00 am in the morning, and that was my youngest son, our baby, decided to pee on me as I was changing his diaper in the middle of the night, and he laughed and laughed about. He was laughing so hard that I had to start laughing as well. I thought here we are in the middle of the night, in a bad economy, having just made a huge mistake on a pro-abortion candidate, and to the mind of a child, LIFE IS STILL THE BEST THING GOING!
That's the point, we need to become children of God! To Sing in the Darkness, even if your getting peed on! LOL. Never forget Nietzche quote, "The reason Christianity doesn't advance is because Christians don't sing,".
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Please View before Voting
The beauty of this youtube, is that its Barrack Obama talking, its not some quotes in an e-mail. I found his words creepy, and cold. Especially the quote about if his daughters ever get pregnant, he doesn't want them punished with a baby. For starters, nobody should ever use there kids as an example to make a political point. Secondly, a child is never, I repeat never, even in the worst of circumstances a punishment. A child is and always will the worlds greatest treasure. They are the worlds teachers, that we are better off with joy and simplicity, than we are with power and material gain.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Rosary Novena for the Election

Greater Appreciation for my Wife
Monday, October 20, 2008
Learning to Dance in the Rain

1.) Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain! The most moving thing for me, is the lived Faith in this quote, and Dottie Person and now Andy have lived this. In their actions and attitude, they tell the whole world the truth, that God is Good all the time! That He is working in us personally and in the world, even when life doesn't make sense.
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Economy, Anxiety, and the Eucharist

Monday, October 6, 2008
The Pill and a Happy Marriage

Monday, September 29, 2008
The Amazing Prison Story of Russell Ford

Monday, September 22, 2008
Amazing Funeral- The Family Rosary

The Family Rosary- I was so struck by how well his 7 sons turned out, that I kept asking everyone I could, how? How did he do it, and the answer I kept on getting was, he didn't, but He did! This was a question he received constantly, "How did you do it," and his answer was always the same, so its worth repeating- The Rosary. After dinner every night, come floods, locust, sickness, snow, they were there praying the rosary together. With their father on his knees leading the way. Father Tom Vander Woude, his oldest son, gave the homily, and he recounted how John Paul II's greatest memory of his father was watching him pray on his knees, it was a "school of life", and that was also Father Tom's most enduring image of his father, "praying on his knees,". The power of the Rosary said together as a Family in God's Eyes. Its like the Wedding Feast of Cana times anyone present, it seems to me that God is ready to answer almost any prayer!
Strong and Loving Presence in the Home- The other thing I took away was how it appeared he never over did it when it came to talking about the faith with his kids, he simply coached every team, had dinner every night, and loved each of them individually. In sales we always say, "everyone wants to buy something, no one wants to be sold it," The cheerful loving example was enough,and it bore amazing fruit!
Sacrificial Love- His final act in this world is worth repeating here. Their youngest son Joseph has down syndrome, he is 20 years old, and while working on the family farm, Joseph fell in a septic Tank and was Drowning in Sewage, his father jumped in, had to swim around the sewage to find his son, and pulled him out. While 911 was responding, Tom, Sr. held his son above the dangerous fumes, so that the rescue team could save his life. For 20 minutes, he held a fully grown man weighing over 175 pounds above his head, while he was waist deep in toxic sewage. The rescue team pulled Joseph from the tank, and when they went in to reach for Tom Sr., he had already passed out from the fumes, and drowned in the Sewage. He died like he lived, in total sacrificial love!
This act is almost a perfect image of Christs love for man. He to comes into the sewage tank of this world, and swims around to find us drowning in its lies and deceptions. He raises us up, at the expense of himself. May Tom Vander Woulde rest in the loving arms of his Savior for all eternity!, and may we learn how to live through his life.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008
Important Person in my Life

When Joseph, 20, who has Down syndrome, fell into a septic tank Monday in his back yard, Vander Woude jumped in after him. He saved him. And he died where he spent so much time living: at his son's side.
"That's how he lived," Vander Woude's daughter-in-law and neighbor, Maryan Vander Woude, said yesterday. "He lived sacrificing his life, everything, for his family."
Vander Woude, 66, had gone to Mass at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Gainesville on Monday, just as he did every day, and then worked in the yard with Joseph, the youngest of his seven sons, affectionately known as Josie. Joseph apparently fell through a piece of metal that covered a 2-by-2-foot opening in the septic tank, according to Prince William County police and family members.
Vander Woude rushed to the tank; a workman at the house saw what was happening and told Vander Woude's wife, Mary Ellen, police said. They called 911 about 12 p.m. and tried to help the father and son in the meantime.
At some point, Vander Woude jumped in the tank, submerging himself in sewage so he could push his son up from below and keep his head above the muck, while Joseph's mom and the workman pulled from above.
When rescue workers arrived, they pulled the two out, police said. Vander Woude, who had been in the tank for 15 to 20 minutes, was unconscious. Efforts to revive him were unsuccessful, and he was taken to a hospital, where he was pronounced dead, police said.
Joseph remains in Prince William Hospital with double pneumonia, and doctors are monitoring him for infection, said Erin Vander Woude, Thomas Vander Woude's daughter-in-law. Joseph is in critical condition and on a ventilator, she said.
"He doesn't know that his dad died," she said.
For those who knew him, Vander Woude's sacrifice was in keeping with a lifetime of giving.
"He's the kind of guy who would give you the shirt off his back," said neighbor Lee DeBrish. "And if he didn't have one, he'd buy one for you."
Vander Woude was a pilot in Vietnam, a daughter-in-law said. After the war, he worked as a commercial airline pilot and in the early 1980s moved his family to Prince William from Georgia. In the years to come, he would wear many hats: farmer, athletic director, volunteer coach, parishioner, handy neighbor, grandfather of 24, husband for 43 years.
He divided his Nokesville farm into multiple plots, offering land to all his sons so they could stay close to home if they wanted, the daughter-in-law said. His eldest, Tom, became a priest. Five others -- Steve, Dan, Bob, Chris and Pat -- all married. And there was Joseph, who loved helping with all the odd jobs that filled the retired days of his father.
"He was retired," DeBrish said, "but that was a misnomer, because he was always out crankin' with the backhoe or the tractor."
All of Vander Woude's sons except Joseph attended Seton School in Manassas, where Vander Woude volunteered as coach of the boys' soccer and basketball teams for about 10 years, said the school's director, Anne Carroll.
"He never took a cent for it," she said. Carroll said that Vander Woude was a successful coach, winning multiple championships, but that his greatest strength was his ability to guide kids through challenges off the field.
"He was a mentor," she said. "He wanted them to be good young men, not just good players."
Vander Woude also served as athletic director at Christendom College in Front Royal for about five years, the school's president, Timothy T. O'Donnell, said.
But loved ones said his favorite job was the one he did last: being a good dad.
"They always considered Joseph a wonderful blessing to the family," said Francis Peffley, pastor at Holy Trinity, where Vander Woude served as a sacristan and also trained altar servers. "His whole life was spent serving people and sacrificing himself. . . . He gave the ultimate sacrifice. . . . Giving his life to save his son."
Friday, September 5, 2008
More on Joy

After writing the Blog on Joy yesterday so much more started to dawn on me, about the importance of Joy, what it means to me personally, how it lessons temptations and more importantly what it means to those around me, how Joy makes life more agreeable for everyone! But some Philosophical points to ponder that have hit me on joy recently,
1.) Joy is something received, Because its a gift from God. This should give us great comfort because its not something that is based upon our worthiness. We don't have to feel that we need to make ourselves perfect, we don't have to become self-actualized. Because its a gift, its not performance based. Joy doesn't happen only if we are pristine and holy.
Here's why- A Gift is something that is Free, with no strings attached. We can't earn a gift, we can only be thankful for it. If Joy is a gift, then its really more about the Giver than the it is about us!
2.) We should have Joy for a very specific reason. Jesus loves us passionately and personally, we are His. He has earned our Joy, so we just need to receive it and love it.
3.) If Joy is so important and we can only receive it, than its imperative for us to create space everyday where God can simple love us, where He can simply delight in us as His. Its as difficult and as easy as that, we have to set aside time for prayer, a time to be loved by God. He is our Father, so we should never be afraid during these times of prayer to ask for Joy. Its good for us and good for others!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The Joyful Faith